Things You Didn’t Know About Medicare


Most Americans who work pay money into the Medicare system every month. However, a lot of folks struggling to understand the ins and outs of the scheme. We wanted to offer some information this morning that could set the record straight. We’ve also included an infographic that highlights the Medicare Part D coverage gap. So, you should find everything you need to know on this page.

Medicare covers your first 20 days

In most instances, Medicare will cover people for the first 20 days spent in post-hospital nursing care. After that time, people have to settle part of the bill themselves. From the 21st day, they have to pay $157.50 per day up to 100 days. Beyond that, the patient has to cover the entire cost.

Medicare doesn’t cover vision, hearing, or dental

Contrary to popular belief, Medicare doesn’t cover people for vision care, hearing aids or dental care. They are three of the most substantial costs residents face as they head towards their twilight years.

Not everyone qualifies for Medicare

Qualifying for Medicare involves satisfying a points system. People need 40 credits or more to benefit from the scheme. That equates to a 10-year career in most instances. If patients haven’t worked for that long, they can’t take part in the program.

Now you know a little more about Medicare, we hope you have an accurate perception of the situation. Just don’t forget to check the infographic if you want to learn more. The coverage gap or “donut hole” has caused many issues, so it’s worth increasing your education.


Infographic Produced By Medicare Consumer Guide